According to recent figures from the Central Statistics Office – the Average annual earnings for full-time employees in Ireland in 2018 was €43,397 .
(This figure is the mean average and excludes overtime and bonuses)
The Job Sectors with the Highest average Annual Pay
(full time workers only – excluding overtime and bonuses)
- The Financial, insurance and real estate sector was in first place with average wages of €57,068.
- The next highest average wage in 2018 was in the Information and Communication sector at €56,465
- In third place was Education – with €53,310 average
- Professional and Scientific roles had an an average pay of €49,867
- Public Sector workers had an average full time pay of €48,172
- Industry €42,682
- Health and Social Work €42338
- Transport and Storage €41980
- Construction €40,640
- The Accommodation and food services sector had average annual total earnings of €17,607, the lowest of all the sectors.

What are the jobs with the highest hourly pay in Ireland ?
Overall the average (mean) hourly earnings of all employees in Ireland was €22.43 in 2017.
- The Education sector recorded the highest average annual hourly earnings of €34.56 per hour (But this sector had the lowest average weekly paid hours of just 23.7. )
- The Financial, insurance and real estate sector had average annual hourly earnings of €30.82
- The Information and communication sector had the next highest earners, with an average of €30.12 per hour
- The lowest average hourly pay was in the Accommodation and Food sector – at €12.55 per hour
A 2016 CSO survey looked at median earned incomes of various occupations.
These were the average earnings for the top 10 paid occupations in Ireland in 2016
- Doctors – €90,018
- Financial Managers and Directors €76,854
- Barristers / Solicitors / Judges €64,002
- Programmers + Software Developers €55,481
- Civil Engineers €49,844
- Teachers (Secondary) €49,473
- Accountants €46,492
- Teachers (Primary/Nursery) €43,803
- Nurses / Midwives €43,685
- Business Sales Executives €34,855
So – if you are looking for the highest paid jobs in the highest paid sector in Ireland you might want to aim to be a financial manager in the Financial, insurance and real estate sector .
Next best would be in a financial manager in the Information and Communication sector